Students choosing to pursue a major in 艺术 are provided an opportunity to work with a variety of media so they may explore, 开发, 并强调他们自己的个人技能. The program is designed not only to enhance the student’s technical skills, but also to cultivate an awareness of the historical and cultural value of art, 美学, 还有个人的技术方法, 作文, 以及选定工作室区域的主题. Students may choose a concentration in any of the following areas: Ceramics, 画, 平面设计, 绘画, 版画, 或彩色玻璃.
A major in 英语 provides 学生 with a thorough study of 文学 and the 英语 language that encourages clarity and originality of thought and expression, and fosters the growth of individual moral and aesthetic judgment.
The degree in 以专业写作为重点的英语 is designed to prepare 学生 for careers in journalism, 公共关系, 和通信. 有兴趣继续研究生学习的学生, 尤其是在商业等领域, 社会科学, 社会工作, 法律, 还有科学, 可能对这条路感兴趣. Course work includes broad applications relevant to virtually every career and will prepare 学生 with essential communication skills for the 21st century workplace.
This major allows 学生 to obtain a 第二个ary Teacher Certification (grades 8-12) along with an 英语 major.
英语 with Kentucky Teacher Certification in Middle School Education
This major allows 学生 to obtain Kentucky Teacher Certification in Middle School Education (grades 5-9) along with an 英语 major.
The 平面设计 program concentrates on the technical skills and creative problem solving techniques necessary to be successful in the design and advertising field. Relevant professional software packages are utilized to complete projects based on client criteria and marketing concepts. 设计元素包括, 但不限于, 排版, 印刷媒体, 网站设计与托管, 数字动画. The 平面设计 program is supported by a foundation of fine arts foundation classes and electives.
The purpose of the integrated studies major is to offer 学生 the freedom and responsibility to 开发 individualized programs. This major provides a broad educational experience that is more flexible than traditional programs. It also provides an opportunity for 学生 to concentrate on a combination of areas that Brescia University may or may not offer as individual majors.
因为它的跨学科性质, the 综合研究 major cannot be awarded simultaneously with a major or minor in a separate academic area.
文科学位有三个目的. 第一个, it provides 学生 who have not yet determined a career or major area of study to obtain a college degree. 第二个, it enables 学生 to earn an associate degree that fulfills the majority of General Education requirements in preparation for a later pursuit of a baccalaureate degree. 最后, it offers 学生 the opportunity to expand their educational horizons for the sake of learning itself, exploring some of the broad spectrum of human knowledge and culture for its own sake, 同时还能拿到学位.
A major in Spanish prepares 学生 with a high level of proficiency while providing the fundamental knowledge of a liberal arts education. 西班牙语的深入学习, 文学, and culture provides 学生 with a competitive career advantage. An optional study-abroad experience is available to 学生 who pursue a Spanish major.
This major allows 学生 to obtain P-12 教师教育 Certification along with a Spanish major.
Students may combine a major in 艺术 with preparation for a Kentucky Teacher Certification to teach grades 9-12 (optional endorsement for elementary grades available) to pursue a career in art education. Brescia University 教育学院 (SOE) candidates are challenged to become professional educators committed to ethics, 宣传, 服务, 终身学习. Graduates serve with distinction in school systems throughout the country. All 教育学院 programs are approved by Kentucky’s Education Professional Standards Board.
The 神学 program at Brescia University is grounded in the Roman Catholic faith tradition. The program reflects the 第二个 Vatican Council’s commitments to ecumenism, 宗教自由, a deeper study of the wellsprings of the sources of the Catholic tradition, 重申了传统的宗教信仰. The 神学 major serves to prepare 学生 for graduate work in theological studies.
The 强调教牧研究的神学 major (1) prepares 学生 who desire to enter a vocation of Lay Ecclesial Ministry upon graduation; (2) prepares 学生 desiring to study theology and ministry at the graduate level in preparation for a vocation to Lay Ecclesial Ministry or religious life; and (3) offers an opportunity for a double major to 学生 who have an interest in theology and ministry but wish to pursue different career path.