布雷西亚大学住宿生活计划是一项课外教育计划,是大学教育使命的一个组成部分. 该计划的目的是促进个人学生的性格和领导技能的发展,同时教导学生关于个人自由与社区责任的平衡. 这是通过鼓励被安置在项目中的学生参与形成一个学生居住社区来实现的,在这个社区中,个人行为符合基督教/天主教的道德原则, 美德和布雷西亚大学
Charter of Values is encouraged through activities and policies.
The policies contained in this section have special applicability to on-campus student residences. 它们不仅适用于所有访客,也适用于居民. 《HG皇冠登陆网页版》其他部分的政策也适用于所有居民和访客.
学生也要对他们与大学签订的住房合同中的所有条款和条件负责. Any violation of the Housing Contract is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. 违规者将受到行为制裁.
Residence Halls
Merici Hall is an air-conditioned residence hall that features single and double occupancy rooms, a laundry, a recreation room, and kitchenettes. 每个房间都有有线电视和电脑连接. Saffer Hall是有空调的, 单人宿舍, featuring laundry, lounges, and kitchenettes. 每个房间都有有线电视和电脑连接. Young Hall和Trustees Hall(大学公寓)是有空调的公寓建筑,由12个单元组成,每个单元包含5个单人卧室, a full kitchen, living room, 投币式洗衣房和2间设备齐全的浴室. Each bedroom and living room has cable TV, phone, and computer connections.
Residence Life Staff
住宿生活办公室与学生密切合作, faculty, 和工作人员帮助学生实现他们的教育目标. Brescia University employs students as Resident Assistants (RAs) to assist resident students, explain University policies and safety procedures; enforce University rules and regulations; listen to student concerns and respond as appropriate to them; plan hall activities, 并作为住宿生活主任的联络人. RAs, as paraprofessional members of the Residence Life and Student Affairs Departments, 大学与学生的第一线接触是什么. They participate in a training session prior to the opening of the fall semester, with additional training provided throughout the academic year. Information on becoming a Resident Assistant may be obtained at the Office of Residence Life.
一般资格要求:布雷西亚保留将其居住生活计划中的安置限制为符合其资格要求的学生的权利, whether set forth in the Brescia University Student Handbook or the Housing Contract. 大学还保留审查任何在学生居住期间未能保持任何资格要求的学生的状态的权利. In such a case, the review will be conducted by the Dean of Students who has authority to reassign the student to another residence facility of the University’s choosing; suspend the student from on-campus housing; immediately and permanently remove the student and the student’s possessions from on-campus housing; or impose other appropriate terms or conditions for continued residence. To be eligible for placement into Brescia University’s Residence Life program, the student must be enrolled full-time (12 or more credit hours) at the University. 在申请时以兼职方式注册的学生可能会被考虑安排在布雷西亚大学的住宿生活计划中,这是由学生主任决定的. 任何有犯罪记录的学生都必须在申请居住生活项目时向大学充分披露. 布雷西亚大学保留在任何时候要求学生接受犯罪背景调查作为安置条件的权利. 如果布雷西亚大学有合理的理由认为学生对自己和/或他人有危险,或者不适合其住宿生活计划,布雷西亚大学保留拒绝安置或开除任何学生的权利.
新生:在布雷西亚大学录取所有新生时,招生办公室向他们提供校园学生住房申请. 在校学生:每年一次, 目前在校生的住宿登记在春季学期进行,由住宿生活主任监督. The process begins with informational notifications where participants receive information about deadlines, eligibility, and sign-up procedures. Housing Deposit: A $100 housing deposit is payable at the time of application. Applications received without the required deposit will not be processed.
Requirements of Residents
对于学生来说,住在校园里是一个千载难逢的机会,可以住在一个学者和学习者的社区里,成为其中的一员. 全国高校的研究表明,在校学生比非在校学生更有可能在学业上取得成功, 参与校园活动, to graduate and to feel positive about their college experience. For these reasons, Brescia University (like most private and many public colleges and universities) has
布雷西亚大学要求所有的第一次, traditional age (17-19 years old) students live on campus for the first two semesters of their freshman year. 19岁以上的学生必须住在校园里,除非符合以下条件之一,并且学生主任在审查学生的经济援助后进行审查, academic, 学生行为记录:
在这个问题的整个时期, the student live with his/her parents or court appointed legal guardian
- The student is a veteran with one or more years of active service;
- The student is 23 years of age or older at the time of admittance to the University;
- The student is married. Students with plans to marry during the time they are required to live on
campus will be required to live on-campus up to the date of the wedding. - The student is the legal custodial parent or court appointed custodial guardian of a minor, child or
children; or - The student has previously lived on campus for eight (8) consecutive semesters.
Athletes attending Brescia University and receiving institutional aid are required to live in campus
housing unless they are living with parents, family members, guardian, or spouse and can supply
Brescia University reserves the right to consider each request to live off-campus on a case-by-case
basis, and to request and receive any and all documentation deemed necessary to verify the information
随请求一起提交. Students are advised not to enter into any off campus lease or rental agreement
before the University makes its determination with regard to the student’s request. The determination
made by the Dean of Students with regard to all requests is final.
Residence Life Services
Brescia University furnishes all student residence hall rooms and apartments. 学生需要提供台灯等物品, trashcans, alarm clocks, laundry supplies, 还有个人用品和学习用品. 如有需要,学生可携带小型冰箱. 厨房里可以使用微波炉,但不允许在宿舍房间或公寓和房屋的厨房区以外使用微波炉. 视频游戏机/除计算机以外的互联网设备:布雷西亚大学信息技术部门将帮助学生连接与学校网络硬件兼容的设备. In Young and Trustees, there will be a limit of one device per apartment unit. In Merici and Saffer, a limit of three per floor on a first-come first-serve basis, and one per theme house, 只有在房子的硬件支持的情况下. IT部门保留拒绝设置任何可能使用过多资源或导致所提供资源中断的设备的权利.
维修请求可以由住客提交给他们的宿舍管理员,也可以提交给住客生活主管,后者将这些请求转交给相应的部门. A submitted request gives maintenance staff permission to enter the student’s room or apartment for repairs. The University provides housekeeping services in the common areas. 学生们打扫自己的房间. The Residence Life Staff may arrange for health and safety inspections during the course of the academic year. NOTE: Students living in the apartments are responsible for all cleaning within the apartment.
Letters and packages mailed to a resident student should be address as follows:
Student’s Name
Brescia University
717 Frederica St.
Owensboro, KY 42301-3023
秋季假期宿舍关闭, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Spring Break (check the academic calendar for specific dates). During these times, students are expected to leave the campus. Students who must, for appropriate reasons, remain on campus over vacation periods are to make arrangements with the Director of Residence Life. During the closure times there is no food service, no visitation, and no receptionist on duty. Typically, the residence halls close at 6 PM following the last contract meal and open the day before classes resume. During breaks, those not required by the University to remain on campus will be charged a daily fee.
New students must return a Health Evaluation Form and Immunization Form to the Director of Residence Life. 学校鼓励住宿学生和他们的家人与住宿生活主任或学生主任保密地分享任何医疗信息,这些信息对于了解紧急情况下的行为和护理至关重要. 学生必须在入学前接种脑膜炎和甲型肝炎疫苗 & B.